Three New Years Resolutions – Go Green, Buy American & Give

2011 was a great year for True Herban Clothing. We officially launched our brand, determined our core values and have begun a long journey of making, sustainable and meaningful clothing, while giving back.

To continue and grow this amiable mission in 2012, we will focus on the core values we’ve built into our company and find new ways to spread the positive message. We’ve created three New Year’s Resolutions that we as a company and individuals are committing ourselves to following in 2012, we ask that you join us.

Resolution #1 – Go Green

Resolution #2 – Buy American

Resolution #3 – Give 

Throughout the month, we will be sharing tips and ideas on how you can Go Green, Buy American and Give in 2012. We ask that you share your experiences on how these three resolutions impact your life in 2012.